Creative Enrichment Strategy 2022/23
Adult Provision

We are excited to announce the release of our 2022/23 Creative Enrichment Strategy and can't wait to see the difference it could make to our learners. Copies have been sent out to all Novus establishments, sharing our aims and objectives with all colleagues.
Arts and enrichment activities are a crucial part of our curriculum, often engaging learners who can’t be engaged in other ways , and this strategy aims to improve the access to arts and culture for our learners, strengthening our existing partnerships and forging news ones in a consistent way across our whole estate.
Previous creative activities have ranged from full collaborations with the Tate Gallery and National Justice Museum to one off visits within specific establishments, focusing on the needs of the learners there and this strategy builds on the great work that is already happening across our estate.
With this strategy, our mission is to:
- Promote creative enrichment throughout Novus education delivery nationally
- Enable Novus colleagues and learners to access art in all forms, across all curriculum areas, using the arts and creativity as a platform to engage and empower.
“We need to start looking at the wider value of creative opportunities. Engaging with our creative team can support learners who have no interest in formal education. It gives them new positive experiences and offers transferable skills to help them to move into formal education or find work on release”, Sarah Hartley, National Arts and Enrichment Lead for Novus.
Every Novus colleague and external partner plays a critical role in contributing to this aim, and the Creative Enrichment strategy provides them the framework and the backing to deliver on these goals. To achieve success in this, we have outlined 8 key objectives in our delivery, which are laid out in the new strategy:
- Continue to contribute to the strategic direction of the arts and creativity within prison education.
- Implement a creative enrichment community of practice within Novus, with a wide membership including Business Development colleagues, to drive forward access to funding and sharing of best practice.
- Embed a core creative enrichment offer in all Novus provision to support parity of opportunities for Novus learners.
- Create creative spaces through Novus’ curriculum to enhance learning opportunities.
- Provide continued opportunities and experiences which will enhance our learners’ enjoyment and understanding of the arts and creativity, which can then act as a catalyst for developing critical thinking and exploring new identities.
- Support community cohesion by showcasing creative work.
- Identify individuals and groups, working in both the community and prison arts sector, to use as a key resource to shape and deliver creative educational experiences.
- Encourage our colleagues and other professionals (e.g. HMPPS) to support the development of the arts and culture in prisons through increased continuing professional development opportunities.
“The arts and enrichment strand of our work allows us to bring new, exciting opportunities to our learners. Creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind and can broaden perspectives”, says Peter Cox, Managing Director for Novus.
The value of this is making learning more accessible and a more enriching experience.
If you work within the arts and enrichment sector and would like to know more about our work, please get in touch.