Celebrating International Men's Health Week at HMP Liverpool
Adult Provision

According to the NHS, people in prison, under supervision or on probation are likely to experience health care inequalities worse than other disadvatanged groups. They are also more likely to experience poor mental health, often exacerbated by drug or alcohol dependence.
At Novus, it is crucial that we provide the information and skills necessary to educate learners about their general health and mental health and wellbeing. So, that whilst in prison and upon release, they are able to put the correct steps in place to ensure they are looking after themselves and get help if/when they need it.
In June, HMP Liverpool arranged a collaborative wellbeing event to mark 30 years of International Men's Health Week, a global initiative aimed at increasing awareness of male health issues.
This year, the International Men's Health theme focused on testicular cancer. Novus staff, learners and partner agencies all participated in the event, which saw the curriculum replaced with fun wellbeing activities, designed to boost learner's moods and enhance their knowledge around testicular cancer, their general wellbeing and mental health.
Enhancing learner's knowledge through interactive and engaging activities
Learners enjoyed yoga sessions delivered by a current learner, meditation sessions, drama and even impromptu Karate sessions! This was complimented by drop-in art sessions and a fun and interactive games room which involved learners working in teams to create a free-standing tower made from spaghetti and marshmallows.
The resident health care team were also present, providing blood pressure checks for all, followed by a general presentation around spotting the signs of testicular cancer. Whilst the substance misuse team gave out information and did some 1 to 1 talking sessions with some of our learners, and Talking Therapies handed out information around mental health and wellbeing. The library also got involved in the day by giving out free mental health and wellbeing books.
Both learners and colleagues enjoyed the wellbeing day and had the chance to iteract with one another in a positive environment, with some learners even singing songs whilst a Novus tutor played the guitar.
Thanks to the collaborative efforts of all colleagues and partners involved, HMP Liverpool's wellbeing day was a huge success with learners and colleagues coming away from the event with newfound knowledge and awareness around men's health, with learners commenting positively on the experience:
The best day ever, I felt human.
Before I came here today, I felt sad, I left smiling and happy.
I never knew how important it was to check myself for cancer.
To end the day, all learners received a goodie bag, with a free coffee and information from the NHS on how to check for testicular cancer whilst all Novus male staff received a free haircut and hair care products donated by a local barber and a local bakery donated an amazing cake for all the staff.
Events like this provide learners the opportunity to get involved in worldwide events and initiatives that spread awareness and help learners gain the skills and coping mechanisms to help with their own general health and wellbeing.
To learn more about our events and initiatives, take a look at our news section.