Novus partner with Yorkshire Prison Group for regional awards

Novus worked closely with the Yorkshire Prison Group (YPG) in January to host the Yorkshire Prison Group and Novus Regional Awards. The awards linked in with a networking event that brought together stakeholders, partners and employers.
The awards recognised Novus and HMPPS colleagues from across the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire region for their dedicated and innovative work towards offender rehabilitation.
Carol Richardson, Novus Commercial Manager for Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, said: “It was fantastic to work with our partners at Yorkshire Prison Group to promote the excellent efforts that our colleagues are engaging in across the region. I was glad to see so many Novus names receive the recognition that they deserve.
We also had an opportunity to speak to partners and stakeholders, sharing with them the benefits our learners can bring to business and communities in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
The networking event showcased the innovative work that is being conducted across Yorkshire prisons, highlighting how the skills that learners gain can support their rehabilitation and be an asset for potential employers.
Representatives from businesses across the region attended the event and expressed their admiration for level of training that is provided by Novus and our partners.
One attendee from the construction industry said:
I’m just blown away by the level of services and training that is offered to offenders to hopefully build on what they learn and to return to be a worthwhile part of the community.