Novus Gower awarded Learning and Skills contract for HMP Parc

A partnership between Novus and Gower College Swansea has been awarded a contract by HMPPS Wales to deliver Learning and Skills at HMP&YOI Parc in Bridgend.
Novus Gower is a joint venture between not-for-profit social enterprise Novus, which is the UK’s largest provider of education, training and employability programmes to prisoners, and Gower College Swansea, one of the largest colleges in Wales, with more than 12,500 full time and part time learners. Novus is part of LTE Group, the first integrated education and skills group of its kind, delivering its provision to more than 100,000 learners.
Gower College Swansea has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching and learning, delivering a wide-ranging portfolio of academic and vocational courses with strong performance across all areas of provision. It is one of the largest apprenticeship providers in Wales and is widely regarded for its innovative approach to supporting people into new and better work through the highly successful Better Jobs, Better Futures programme. The college also has a strong reputation for its work with employers at local, regional and national level through its industry-led suite of skills, recruitment and workforce development support.
Peter Cox, Novus Managing Director and Board Director of Novus Gower, commented on the venture:
“We are really pleased to be working with Gower College Swansea to form the Novus Gower partnership, following the success of our Novus Cambria collaboration at HMP Berwyn. This contract provides us with the opportunity to really make a difference to the future outcomes of our learners at HMP&YOI Parc, providing them with the skills and qualifications to find job opportunities on release, which in turn reduces reoffending.
Rehabilitation and employability skills are absolutely key to our delivery in HMP&YOI Parc. We are excited about working closely with local and national employers to provide opportunities for our learners and we’re really keen to hear from any new partners that are interested in working with us.
Mark Jones, Director at Novus Gower and Principal and CEO at Gower College Swansea said:
“We are delighted that Novus Gower has been awarded the Learning and Skills contract for HMP&YOI Parc. The diversity and reach of our provision at Gower College Swansea is something I’m immensely proud of and this contract further demonstrates our commitment to meeting the broadest possible range of education, training and employment needs across south Wales.
“Through our partnership with Novus, we are bringing together not only a wealth of experience, innovation and expertise in education and skills delivery, but also a shared commitment to transforming the lives of learners at Parc through the provision of high-quality learning opportunities which maximise the chances of securing meaningful employment on release.”
Novus Gŵyr yn sicrhau contract Dysgu a Sgiliau ar gyfer HMP Parc
Mae partneriaeth rhwng Novus a Choleg Gŵyr Abertawe wedi derbyn contract gan HMPPS Cymru i gyflwyno rhaglenni Dysgu a Sgiliau yn HMP&YOI Parc ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
Menter ar y cyd yw Novus Gŵyr rhwng Novus, un o ddarparwyr rhaglenni addysg, hyfforddiant a chyflogadwyedd mwyaf y DU i garcharorion, a Choleg Gŵyr Abertawe, un o golegau mwyaf Cymru, sy’n gartref i fwy na 12,500 o fyfyrwyr amser llawn a rhan-amser. Mae Novus yn rhan o grŵp LTE, sef grŵp addysg a sgiliau integredig cyntaf o’i fath sy’n gyfrifol am gyflwyno darpariaeth i fwy na 100,000 o ddysgwyr.
Mae gan Goleg Gŵyr Abertawe enw rhagorol am ansawdd ei addysgu a’i ddysgu, ac mae’n gyfrifol am ddarparu ystod eang iawn o gyrsiau academaidd a galwedigaethol. Mae’r Coleg yn cynhyrchu canlyniadau positif ar draws pob maes. Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe yw un o ddarparwyr prentisiaethau mwyaf Cymru ac mae gan Gwell Swyddi, Gwell Dyfodol, rhaglen gyflogadwyedd llwyddiannus y Coleg, enw gwych am helpu pobl i sicrhau cyflogaeth neu symud ymlaen i gyflogaeth well. Mae’r Coleg hefyd yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol ac yn cynnig sgiliau a chymorth ar recriwtio a datblygu gweithlu o’r radd flaenaf.
Dywedodd Peter Cox, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Novus Gŵyr:
“Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o fod yn gweithio gyda Choleg Gŵyr Abertawe i ffurfio’r bartneriaeth hon, yn dilyn llwyddiant ein cydweithrediad gyda Novus Cambria yn CEM Berwyn. Bydd y contract hwn yn rhoi’r cyfle i ni wneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i ddysgwyr HMP&YOI Parc, gan eu harfogi â sgiliau a chymwysterau angenrheidiol fel y gallant ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd cyflogaeth ar ôl iddynt gael eu rhyddhau. Yn y pen draw, bydd hyn yn lleihau’r posibilrwydd o aildroseddu.
“Mae adsefydlu a sgiliau cyflogadwyedd yn rhan hanfodol o’n darpariaeth yn HMP&YOI Parc. Rydyn ni’n gyffrous i weithio’n agos â chyflogwyr lleol a chenedlaethol i gynnig cyfleoedd i’n dysgwyr, ac rydyn ni’n awyddus iawn i glywed gan bartneriaid newydd sydd am weithio gyda ni
Dywedodd Mark Jones, Cyfarwyddwr Novus Gŵyr a Phennaeth a Phrif Swyddog gweithredol Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe:
“Rydyn ni’n hapus iawn bod Novus Gŵyr wedi sicrhau contract Dysgu a Sgiliau ar gyfer HMP&YOI Parc. Mae amrywiaeth a chyrhaeddiad ein darpariaeth yng Ngholeg Gŵyr Abertawe yn rhywbeth rydw i’n falch iawn ohono ac mae’r contract hwn yn adlewyrchu ein hymrwymiad i ddiwallu’r ystod ehangaf posib o anghenion addysg, hyfforddiant a chyflogaeth ledled de Cymru.
“Trwy weithio â Novus, rydyn ni’n dod ag amrywiaeth eang o brofiad, arloesedd ac arbenigedd mewn addysg a sgiliau ynghyd. Mae’r ddau sefydliad yn ymrwymedig i drawsnewid bywydau dysgwyr Parc trwy ddarparu cyfleoedd dysgu o ansawdd uchel sy’n gwella siawns carcharorion o sicrhau cyflogaeth ystyrlon ar ôl iddynt gael eu rhyddhau.”