New career brings hope and purpose
Adult Provision Novus Works
‘Jasmine’s’ determination to find a new direction for her life helped her to start a new career after leaving HMP Styal. With support from the Novus Works team, ‘Jasmine’ is now building a positive future and has a new-found hope and purpose to her life.
At her induction with the Novus education department at HMP Styal, ‘Jasmine’ followed their advice and decided to take the opportunity to improve her ICT knowledge and skills, completing her Basic IT and Level 1. As she neared her release, ‘Jasmine’ used her new knowledge and confidence to help learners who were just starting on the courses, which she enjoyed.
‘Jasmine’ signed up with Novus Works and met with Employment Advisor, Julie Probert, to discuss her future employment options. She was worried that no-one would employ her because of her offence, but following discussions with her advisor about disclosing her offence and the support available, ‘Jasmine’ had a renewed sense of hope.
Following her release, ‘Jasmine’ kept in regular contact with her Novus Works Employment Advisor who was there to provide support with finding job opportunities and offer encouragement and reassurance. ‘Jasmine’ listened to advice and was open to all offered opportunities, attending interviews and completing applications. With support from her Novus Works advisor, she applied for a new career with the Civil Service, was successful and has recently started training for her new role.
Her determination and resilience means that she is now building a new career and a positive future. She said: “My final career outcome is truly amazing. It has impacted so much on my life in so many ways. I feel as if I have won the lottery. There is nothing like having money in your purse and not worrying about paying household bills.”
My life after release is still very hard, with a lot of obstacles in the way but we are trying our hardest to put them behind. I can't thank Julie enough. She has made me a new woman, helping me job search and helping me get the job I am in today. I love my job so much. I work five days a week and find it very rewarding. I feel there is a purpose in life to get up for because, before, every day was a Sunday.