Incorporating digital technology into functional skills classes at HMP Stafford
Adult Provision Digital
With the launch of our 2024/25 digital strategy, we are constantly striving to support colleagues to incorporate digital across our education provision as a whole.
Recently, colleagues at HMP Stafford have been incorporating digital technology in English classes to support learners with a project to help the town of Stafford achieve 'bee friendly' status.
The Bee Project
The town of Stafford are applying to become a bee friendly town. It is an achievement that Stafford can put on their website to encourage visitors to come and see what they have in the way of parks and open spaces.
The project will also encourage pollinators of all kinds to visit, which is very much needed to help the flowers and crops grow.
Incorporating digital technology in English classes
Colleagues and learners have been taking part in the project with one of the criteria we have to meet being 'What is interesting or unusual about your approach to achieving Bee Friendly status'.
At HMP Stafford we keep bees and the English class have got involved in the project to support their functional skills English by researching the Bees and exploring the environment they live by working with the gardens and looking at the planting.
The English tutor has been using Open Borders for research material in the classroom and has also been incorporating TeacherMatic to plan sessions and resources.
Learners have also been using their digital skills and using the research material, the tutor provided via Open Borders to write articles, blogs and reports. Learners were also given the opportunity to improve their speaking and listening skills in their English classes by presenting the information that they collated.
Taking part in projects like this, encourage learners to take part in education in a non-traditional way helping to expand their skill set. By incorporating digital technology into the project, learners were able to enhance their functional skills in both English and digital.
English, maths and digital skills are essential functional skills needed to function as a member of modern society. These skills are crucial for learners to be able to continue into further education and find employment upon release. Being able to incorporate digital into core classes provides learners with a well-rounded education where they are able to expand on all functional skills.
For more information on digital education in prison and how we support learners into employment, visit the news section on our website.