David Dein speaks to Novus learners about ‘the beautiful game’
Youth Provision

Former Arsenal FC and Football Association vice-chairman David Dein captivated 25 Novus learners at HMYOI Cookham Wood with a fascinating speech, in which he told them it is possible to have a career in football with a criminal record.
Credited with changing the face of English football by recruiting Gunners manager Arsene Wenger 21 years ago, he revealed there are 1,000 coaching vacancies for those who are qualified.
Tutor Sylvia Howe said: “Our learners looked a little puzzled when we asked them to sit together before David's introduction, but they certainly sat up and listened when it was explained that he was the man who brought Arsene Wenger to Arsenal in 1996 and went on to win 18 trophies during his stint.
"David was one of the main architects in the creation of the Premier League in 1992 and has been at the forefront of many of the important changes in football including the introduction of goal-line technology.
"It takes a certain kind of person to address a room full of young learners. David gave a vivid presentation with video to back up his points, and diagrams to show what he meant. He gave out DVDs to those who answered some questions correctly. The Q&A session at the end was lively and engaging, after which he posed for photographs in good humour."
David is now working with Novus to establish a football coaching qualification at HMYOI Cookham Wood, which would give learners the best possible chance of securing a job within ‘the beautiful game’.