A Good Ofsted rating for HMP Kirklevington Grange
Adult Provision
Following on from the latest 'Good' Ofsted ratings at HMP Rye Hill and HMP Hatfield, we are pleased to announce that HMP Kirklevington Grange have also received a 'Good' overall rating from Ofsted.
Congratulations to everyone at HMP Kirklevington Grange, it's a real collaborative effort from Novus, HMPPS Colleagues and other supporting organisations and it is making a real difference to our learners.
Providing employment support and opportunities for learners
There were many positive comments within the report including:
Leaders and managers had designed a well-informed curriculum using the expertise of the prison employment advisory board, employment agencies and large national employers
"Leaders worked well with a range of national and local employers to provide valuable release on temporary license (ROTL) employment opportunities in a variety of roles which included construction, highways operations, catering, heavy goods vehicle driving, recycling and warehousing".
"A high proportion of prisoners accessed paid work as part of ROTL".
"In the prisoner's first 12 weeks at the prison, staff prioritised the development of their English, mathematics, digital and employability skills to prepare them for access to ROTL".
"Leaders and managers had a clear and well-implemented strategy to provide education, skills and work (ESW) to prepare prisoners for release, leading them into employment opportunities that in turn could prevent reoffending".
In order for learners to be successfully rehabilitated, it is crucial that they find employment upon release. Which is why at Novus we understand and value the importance of equipping learners with the skills, experience and qualifications necessary to find work so it's fantastic to see Ofsted acknowledge this.
Positive attitudes of learners
In the report, Ofsted also made positive comments regarding the learner's attitudes and behaviour whilst in education.
Prisoners demonstrated a high level of respect for one another and staff
"They had very positive attitudes to learning in education and in industries and workshops. They were proud of the work that they did and of their achievements".
"Prisoners listened to the views of others and contributed well to lessons".
It's great to see the learner's at HMP Kirklevington Grange embracing education and having a positive attitude towards staff and their achievements. Having a good attitude and behaviour whilst in education ensures that learners are able to learn in a positive and safe environment, further engaging them in education.
Providing support for neurodiverse learners
Many neurodiverse prisoners struggle to access education. Which is why at Novus we place a particular importance on providing support for neurodiverse learners, so that all learners can access our education provision. So, it was great to see Ofsted acknowledge this.
Staff tailored the curriculum to meet the needs of individual prisoners
"The neurodiversity manager provided staff with an overview of each prisoner with additional learning needs and the strategies needed to help them to achieve in line with their peers".
"Prisoners were taught in small group sessions and used tracking rulers to help with reading. They benefitted from short-burst activities and staff slowed the delivery of instructions to allow prisoners to grasp new concepts".
Quality of teaching and learning
Ofsted also made positive comments regarding the quality of teaching and learning.
Teachers in education were well qualified and experienced. They kept their subject knowledge up to date through frequent training, and those supporting reading were experienced in using phonics
"Most instructors in industries had a teaching qualification and a few were working towards achieving one. They had appropriate subject expertise in the industries that they taught".
"Teachers presented information and content effectively".
"Teachers tracked the progress of prisoners carefully. When prisoners made swift progress, any additional support was reduced, and where prisoners made slower progress their support plan was reviewed carefully and amended appropriately".
Having a qualified and experienced team of teachers and instructors is extremely important, so that we can provide the best quality of education to learners. Our teachers and tutors also work towards their personal and professional development through frequent training, to ensure they are kept up to date with the latest subject knowledge, techniques and strategies to support learners in education.
If you would like to read the report in full, you can do so here.