Support roles

Our teachers are supported across the prison estate, and in our head offices, by a wide range of roles, all of which contribute to the smooth running of Novus.

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Support roles at Novus are vital to make sure we can offer the best service to our learners. 

Some of the support roles available with Novus in prison education

Admin roles

At Novus we have administration roles within the education departments of the prisons where we operate, and within our head and regional offices. 

These roles will vary by location, but can often include being responsible for the data that we provide on every site, helping the teams to manage registration and enrolment and supporting with the information needed for contract compliance.

Working in prison education is a career like no other and whether you work directly in a prison establishment, or not, you will be able to see the difference that your role is making to the lives of our learners.

Two people collaborating in an admin office, with one focused on paperwork and the other talking.

Quality team

Two people engaged in conversation, focused on each other, with a blurred background, representing the 'quality team' role in prison education.

The quality team at Novus makes sure that our teaching team can perform to the very best of their ability. Along with those who offer direct support on how to improve quality overall, the team also includes:

Our digital team, who provide additional support on digital resources, helping to make lesson planning easier and giving learners the addditional digital skills they need whilst in prison.

Our teaching, education and development training team, providing CPD to all Novus colleagues.

Our arts and enrichment team, who support the teaching teams to bring our curriculum to life; developing relationships with external partners and engaging learners in new and innovative ways.

Senco team

A large proportion of prison learners have additional learning needs. This is why our Senco team are vital to ensure that all learners get the support that they need to learn whilst in prison.

Many of our learners found school incredibly difficult, but with the support that our Senco team provide, we can change their narrative around education, helping them to feel supported and enable them to progress and learn.

Smiling woman standing in a corridor, representing the 'Senco team' role in prison education, with a softly blurred background.

Novus works team

People working together in a canteen, serving food and engaging with each other, representing the 'Novus works team' role in prison education.

Reoffending in England costs around £18 billion every year, and helping prison leavers to find a job that can support them and their families on release is one of the best ways to reduce this.

Our Novus Works team work with partner employers to help our learners to find a career where they can thrive on release.

Many of the team are based in regional areas and work alongside our education teams and the Prison Employment Leads to make sure that the training that our learners receive is linked to the employment opportunities available to them. They then work with the learners to get them job ready and support them in the vital first few weeks after release to make sure that they have everything they need to sustain work.

To see our current vacancies, please visit our job search page.

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